15 products
Georg Muffat's Apparatus musico-organisticus, published in 1690, showcases his genius by blending European styles and exploring the baroque organ. Bernard Foccroulle brings out the splendour of the toccatas on a French organ, accompanied by Marie Rouquié for the Sonata a violino solo.
A pupil of Nicolas Lebègue, Nicolas de Grigny made his mark with his bold compositional style. His works, admired by Bach, are beautifully performed by Michel Bouvard and François Espinasse on the Grand Organ of the Royal Chapel.
The French organ is in the spotlight ! Discover organ music under Napoleon and the Restoration through a collection dedicated to Christmas time. Here, Quentin Guérillot pays tribute to these masterpieces of virtuosity.
A majestic revival of the lost treasures of 18th-century French organ music, brought to life by the spellbinding interpretation of Jean Baptiste Robin. The Berkeley and Caumont manuscripts, guardians of these anonymous jewels, awaken for the first time after 300 years in one recording.
Lebègue - Vêpres de la Nativité
Immerse yourself in this tender evocation of a vespers service in a late 17th century convent celebrating the work of Lebègue, one of the inventors of the "Noël"!
Gaétan Jarry and the Marguerite Louise Ensemble pay tribute to Handel's genius through a magnificent rendition of these Anthems composed for the Duke of Chandos from 1717 to 1719!
Tiroirs Secrets - French Organ Rarities
Lucile Dollat and Michael Metzler offer a new interpretation of great organ pieces, accompanied by baroque percussion parts created for the occasion! Thus are revealed the hidden but omnipresent links between secular and religious music.
Set off on a musical journey between two centres of power in 17th-century Europe, Versailles and Westminster! Through these pieces, Constance Taillard highlights the desire of the English monarchs, cousins of Louis XIV, to recreate Versailles' artistic model.
Organ concertos • Salve Regina • Saeviat Tellus - Haendel
Gaétan Jarry's deft touch is followed by Chiara Skerath's heavenly voice, the organ concertos are followed by motets for solo voice. In other words, discover here a delicious and precious 'Handelian' blend of virtuosity.
Dandrieu - Offertoires & Sonates en Trio
Incarnation, sincerity, inspiration and mastery, Dandrieu's music is a real treasure, touching the soul of everyone. Jean-Baptiste Robin and Camille Delaforge make organ and strings resound in the Chapelle Royale in the service of a visionary Dandrieu!
Handel – Concertos pour Orgue - Gaétan Jarry
Duration: 1h20Played at the time by Handel himself, these agile, tender and poetical pieces reveal a singular colour which Gaétan Jarry interpret on the new “grand” positive organ built by Quentin Blumenroeder for Versailles: at last an organ that can convey Handel’s music in all its beauty.
There is no doubt that in the Ancien Régime, Christmas was a religious and musical holiday! For this recording, popular music and virtuoso talents come together, masterful organ and angelic voices respond to each other, divine promise and earthly jubilation mingle, to offer us a royal Christmas!
The dexterity, the passion, and the fervour of Gaétan Jarry are combined here to make the notes of the Great Organ resonate in the heart of the Chapelle Royale; a memorable moment in the tumultuous history of this instrument and a vibrant tribute to the greatest Baroque works!
Both grandiloquent and sophisticated, Dandrieu's organ pieces, such as his Magnificats and Noëls, cannot let anyone be unmoved. In this recording, Jean-Baptiste Robin's deft hands and masterful gestures reveal the former organist of the Chapelle Royale's talent and genius!
Ton Koopman - Great Organ 1710
The virtuoso and renowned organist Ton Koopman's interpretation of a selection of Baroque masterpieces highlights the many assets of the organ of the Chapelle Royale - majestic in every way!
Georg Muffat's Apparatus musico-organisticus, published in 1690, showcases his genius by blending European styles and exploring the baroque organ. Bernard Foccroulle brings out the splendour of the toccatas on a French organ, accompanied by Marie Rouquié for the Sonata a violino solo.
A pupil of Nicolas Lebègue, Nicolas de Grigny made his mark with his bold compositional style. His works, admired by Bach, are beautifully performed by Michel Bouvard and François Espinasse on the Grand Organ of the Royal Chapel.
The French organ is in the spotlight ! Discover organ music under Napoleon and the Restoration through a collection dedicated to Christmas time. Here, Quentin Guérillot pays tribute to these masterpieces of virtuosity.
A majestic revival of the lost treasures of 18th-century French organ music, brought to life by the spellbinding interpretation of Jean Baptiste Robin. The Berkeley and Caumont manuscripts, guardians of these anonymous jewels, awaken for the first time after 300 years in one recording.
Lebègue - Vêpres de la Nativité
Immerse yourself in this tender evocation of a vespers service in a late 17th century convent celebrating the work of Lebègue, one of the inventors of the "Noël"!
Gaétan Jarry and the Marguerite Louise Ensemble pay tribute to Handel's genius through a magnificent rendition of these Anthems composed for the Duke of Chandos from 1717 to 1719!
Tiroirs Secrets - French Organ Rarities
Lucile Dollat and Michael Metzler offer a new interpretation of great organ pieces, accompanied by baroque percussion parts created for the occasion! Thus are revealed the hidden but omnipresent links between secular and religious music.
Set off on a musical journey between two centres of power in 17th-century Europe, Versailles and Westminster! Through these pieces, Constance Taillard highlights the desire of the English monarchs, cousins of Louis XIV, to recreate Versailles' artistic model.
Organ concertos • Salve Regina • Saeviat Tellus - Haendel
Gaétan Jarry's deft touch is followed by Chiara Skerath's heavenly voice, the organ concertos are followed by motets for solo voice. In other words, discover here a delicious and precious 'Handelian' blend of virtuosity.
Dandrieu - Offertoires & Sonates en Trio
Incarnation, sincerity, inspiration and mastery, Dandrieu's music is a real treasure, touching the soul of everyone. Jean-Baptiste Robin and Camille Delaforge make organ and strings resound in the Chapelle Royale in the service of a visionary Dandrieu!
Handel – Concertos pour Orgue - Gaétan Jarry
Duration: 1h20Played at the time by Handel himself, these agile, tender and poetical pieces reveal a singular colour which Gaétan Jarry interpret on the new “grand” positive organ built by Quentin Blumenroeder for Versailles: at last an organ that can convey Handel’s music in all its beauty.
There is no doubt that in the Ancien Régime, Christmas was a religious and musical holiday! For this recording, popular music and virtuoso talents come together, masterful organ and angelic voices respond to each other, divine promise and earthly jubilation mingle, to offer us a royal Christmas!
The dexterity, the passion, and the fervour of Gaétan Jarry are combined here to make the notes of the Great Organ resonate in the heart of the Chapelle Royale; a memorable moment in the tumultuous history of this instrument and a vibrant tribute to the greatest Baroque works!
Both grandiloquent and sophisticated, Dandrieu's organ pieces, such as his Magnificats and Noëls, cannot let anyone be unmoved. In this recording, Jean-Baptiste Robin's deft hands and masterful gestures reveal the former organist of the Chapelle Royale's talent and genius!
Ton Koopman - Great Organ 1710
The virtuoso and renowned organist Ton Koopman's interpretation of a selection of Baroque masterpieces highlights the many assets of the organ of the Chapelle Royale - majestic in every way!